Pre-Incident Planning
University Emergency Planning
The Emergency Management Division of the KU Police Department is tasked with the development of university-wide plans and emergency related policies. KU Emergency Management is also uniquely positioned and qualified to provide technical assistance in the development of emergency guides to university departments and schools; and, to ensure congruity of those plans with the KU Emergency Operations Plan and appropriate policies and procedures. For more information, contact our offices at or 785-864-5900.
Emergency Operations Plan
The overall priorities of the University of Kansas during a disaster are the protection of lives, live assets, valuable research, property and the environment. As a result of these priorities, the university has developed an Emergency Operations Plan which addresses the key objectives of responding to emergency conditions and managing the processes of restoring academic and research programs and services. In order to implement the plan to its fullest, the university is committed to training its employees to effectively respond to an emergency and developing that training with exercises and drills designed to assess response capabilities and adequacy of policies, plans, procedures and protocols. The Emergency Operations Plan is available in KU's Policy Library.
Continuity of Operations Planning
Continuity of Operations Plans (COOPs) allow the university to continue to provide essential services in the event of a disruption. Continuity plans identify critical resources and staff, identify alternate facilities, lines of succession, and delegation procedures for university staff and services. COOPs and Business Continuity Plans are created for the university as a whole and for individual departments and organizations within the university.
The University of Kansas participates in a state-wide comprehensive project for the purpose of developing Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP). The system has been customized to meet the specific COOP planning needs of the State of Kansas, and access is provided to individuals and units by request.
Integrated Preparedness Plan
The purpose of the Integrated Preparedness Plan is to coordinate emergency and incident preparedness activities among multiple university departments and stakeholders, utilizing the whole community approach to emergency planning. Preparedness activities include writing or updating plans, procuring equipment, modifying organizations, and conducting training and exercises. Input from university leaders and the Integrated Preparedness and Threat Assessment (IPTA) Committee is used to prioritize preparedness activities and capability gaps identified during the Hazard/Vulnerability Assessment process. The IPTA Committee participates in an annual Integrated Preparedness Planning Workshop (IPPW) to review progress on the IPP and update the multi-year plan.
View the 2024 Integrated Preparedness Plan
Integrated Planning and Threat Assessment Committee
ITPA serves as a advisory group for the university pre-incident and provides strategic guidance and recommendations to increase the resiliency on campus. IPTA is comprised of the following positions:
- Office of the Chancellor
- Office of the Provost
- Chief Information Officer
- Chief Risk Officer
- Chief of Police
- General Counsel
- Chief Compliance Officer
- Vice Chancellor of Research
- Vice Provost of Student Affairs
- Vice Provost of Operations
- Vice Provost of Finance
- Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs
- Vice Provost of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
- Vice Provost of Enrollment Services
- Senior Vice Provost of Graduate Studies
- Associate Vice Chancellor of Public Affairs
- Associate Athletics Director
- Director of Student Housing
- Director of Global Risk and Security
- Director of Facilities Planning and Development
- Director of Facilities Services
- Director of Watkins Health Clinic
- Director of Environmental Health and Safety
- Director of Counseling and Psychological Services
- Director of Employee Wellness
- Senior Internationalization Officer
Special Event Planning
Not every planned event runs as scheduled. To ensure the safety of our students, employees and visitors, all members of the community have the responsibility to protect and minimize the effects of an emergency incident at a planned special event. Event organizers are encouraged to review the Special Event Emergency Planning Guide form (pdf) during their planning process.
When Planning an Event
- Develop an emergency plan for the event. Download the Special Event Planning Guide form (pdf).
- Designate a point of contact for first responders or public safety officials.
- Conduct a pre-event briefing with managers, ushers, volunteers and other event staff.
- Review details of the venue, including entrances and exits, number of people attending and specific information about the audience/attendees.
- Review policies and procedures on unacceptable behavior.
- At least one person on the event-management team should be able to receive KU text notification alerts. If an alert is issued, tell attendees exactly what the message says and follow the directions provided.
- Monitor the weather. If inclement weather is expected, designate someone to monitor it. Know how to communicate with each other and attendees if a severe weather warning is issued. For assistance with weather monitoring, contact KU Emergency Management at 785-864-5900.
- Determine who may need assistance evacuating or sheltering in place.
- Review details on evacuation, shelter-in-place and emergency communication plans.
- Review details on medical procedures.
If you would like assistance developing your event safety plan, or require support from the KU Police Department or KU Emergency Management, contact or